7-lake city Pokhara: A paradise on the foothill of Himalayas

Incredible Himalayas. Panoramic view of Phewa lake from the lakeside at the foothills of the magnificent Annapurna mountain range.

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Pokhara is known as the tourist capital of Nepal and for good reason. The town is located in the Pokhara Valley and is surrounded by some of the most pristine and beautiful lakes in the world. The most famous of these lakes is Phewa Lake which is located in the heart of Lakeside and is home to the majority of the tourist infrastructure in Pokhara. But did you know that there are multiple lakes in this valley which are equally as beautiful and maybe even a better attraction overall? This article will make you familiar with the other six lakes which makes the Pokhara the 7-lake city.

Fewa Lake

Fewa Lake is a beautiful natural wonder in Pokhara, Nepal, worth visiting. The lake’s crystal-clear water reflects the stunning Annapurna mountain range, creating a picturesque view that takes your breath away. Visitors can enjoy boating on the lake and hiking the surrounding hills for an even better view. The lake is surrounded by various restaurants and cafes, making it the perfect spot to relax and enjoy a meal with a view. If you’re looking for a serene and peaceful retreat, Fewa Lake is the place to be.

Fewa Lake also written as Phewa Lake in Pokhara, Nepal
Fewa Lake also written as Phewa Lake in Pokhara, Nepal

Begnas Lake

Landscape near Pokhara, Nepal. High mountains of the Annapurna range. Lake Begnas Tal. 7-lake city
Landscape near Pokhara, Nepal. High mountains of the Annapurna range. Lake Begnas Tal.

Probably the most visited lake second to Phewa. The lake is visited by domestic tourists more than international as it doesn’t offer a complete package as Phewa does. But despite the lack of clubs, bars and a few facilities, Begnas has been visited by tons of people because of its scenic view. It is definitely not a place for a lively night but for the day. During a perfect sunny day, you can see the whole of Annapurna Himalaya Range depending on where you’re viewing from.

This lake is 3.28 km. sq. in size, making it the third-largest lake of Nepal, and has a maximum depth of 33 feet. Begnas lake is known for its fish, which you may catch yourself a couple or purchase from a nearby vendor. The majority of visitors come to sample the lake fish which are reared in the lake by the locals. All of the hotels and restaurants provide a wide range of fish meals. Began lake is closer to nature than Fewa and also quite lovely; you may take a boat ride to see the landscape of mountains and woods, feel the cool wind, and listen to the songs of birds.

Rupa Lake

Aerial view of Begnas and Rupa lakes near Pokhara in Nepal
Aerial view of Begnas and Rupa lakes near Pokhara in Nepal

Rupa Lake is the third largest and twin of Begnas Lake, it is one of Pokhara’s seven lakes. This 1.35-square-kilometre lake has a maximum depth of 20 feet and an average depth of 10 feet. This is the most visited tourist attraction after Begnas.

The reason for that is it’s a secluded place where you can enjoy locally reared fishes that tastes the best out of all the seven lakes of Pokhara. With a gorgeous view and a low-key reputation, this place is a must-visit for those who don’t like crowds and prefer a quiet peaceful meal by the lake.

Dipang Lake

Dipang Lake, Pokhara
Dipang lake Qrystal45, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Located approximately 4.8km west of Begnas Lake, this small yet beautiful lake is one of the most ignored lakes of Pokhara. The reason for the fewer visits is the fact that it is a bit of a hassle to reach. Because Dipang lake is not a major attraction, the roadway leading there is not in order. But despite the drawbacks, the view from the lake deserves at least one visit, who knows you might fall in love with the place. Home to some rare species of fish and plants, the lake is decreasing in size year over year due to unplanned irrigation.

Maidi Lake

With a total area of 11700 sq. m. (0.0117 sq.km), Maidi Lake is the smallest of the 7 lakes of Pokhara. Unfortunately, Maidi is also decreasing each year, credit to soil erosion because of environmental degradation. Just like Dipang, this lake is visited by fewer people because of its poor accessibility. This lake is ideal for individuals who like to trek from the city to the lake and rest while taking in the scenery. You may also have a picnic with your friends and family because the environment is peaceful and fresh.

Khaste Lake

Khaste lake
Khaste Lake By Amrit Ghimire Ranjit – CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

 This 0.248 sq. km. the wide lake is a neighbouring lake to Niureni Lake. In addition to the pleasing view, the lake is also a house for different animals. Khaste lake is well known as the bird viewing lake. It attracts a variety of birds such as migrating bird species, yellow bitterns, and other smaller mammals too. Furthermore this remote location is ideal for cycling to see the lake, trees, birds, lotus, and other sights, a peaceful natural experience overall.

Niureni Lake

Surrounded by tall green trees, Niureni lake also houses varieties of birds and animals. The lake is filled with lotus plants which is a perfect habitat for fishes to hide from their predators. Because of the optimal conditions allowing fishes to thrive, most locals visit the place for the sole purpose of fishing. With fewer visitors and a chill surrounding, this place is definitely a favourite of fishermen and a day hiker. The locals uses the surrounding area for a picnic with friends and family. In addition, you can also go for a one-day trek to explore the sights around the lake.

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